So many people bust their butt at the gym, and undo it all when they get home by making horrible nutritional choices. Eating too much, too little, or eating foods that don’t benefit the body are all huge roadblocks on the path to getting fit.
I could sugar coat things (no pun intended) but I’ll get right to the point. The bottom line is this: you ARE what you eat, period. That old saying wasn’t created for no reason. If you choose to put unhealthy, chemical-laden, fake, processed foods into your body, don’t be surprised when you feel sluggish, tired, weighed down, and unable to perform the challenges life brings your way. If you don’t put enough food into your body, don’t be surprised when you feel like you want to wave the white flag at 3pm; you’re out of energy and the day isn’t even half over. Finally, if you choose to put vitamin and mineral rich, nutrient dense, whole, natural, REAL foods in your body, don’t be surprised when you feel energetic, vibrant, and satisfied throughout the day. You’re on your A-game and ready to BRING IT!
Eating healthy, natural, whole foods is beneficial in countless ways…for example: your hair and skin will glow and look healthier, your mood will be better, you’ll have increased energy all day long, you’ll feel less sluggish. Not to mention, you’ll be reducing risk for heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and loads of other diseases/illnesses. You also will be complimenting all of the hard work put in at the gym, on the field, track, pavement, or wherever your workouts happen. Healthy eating gives your body the proper fuel it needs to get the best, most efficient workouts possible.
So if this is the case- if it’s so beneficial to eat whole, natural, healthy foods & so harmful to eat processed, fake, unhealthy foods - then why are we all guilty of eating the “bad stuff”?
# 1 Reason: Time
Time is a coveted thing. Nobody has enough of it and we’re always looking to save as much time as possible. Hence, we always reach for what’s easy and convenient; unfortunately, most of the time those items are unhealthy. Its far more convenient and time efficient to swing by the Wendy’s drive through for a bite than to think ahead and prepare lunch the night before. Its far less of a hassle to grab a cereal bar or Pop Tarts on our way out the door than to wake up 10 minutes earlier and have oatmeal, eggs, fruit, or yogurt.
#2 Reason:
When foods are pumped full of chemicals, sugars, artificial flavors and colors, fried batter, or fat, they tend to taste good and we want more and more. Our bodies metabolize and break down the foods and we become hungry more quickly. There are no nutrients to feed the body, so it sends a signal to the brain saying “hey, I need more food!”. And if we continue to eat the “bad stuff”, the cycle continues. The body is perpetually in need of nutrients that it can’t get, no matter how much more food it asks for.
So HOW can you avoid getting caught in the trap?! How can you make sure to fuel your body right so that you can expect it to function properly? By implementing the same strategies you do for all other areas of life: planning and determination. Planning meals ahead of time helps avoid grab-and-go fast food choices. It also gives you the opportunity to make sure that your diet is balanced & that you’re getting proper nutrition. Determination is imperative in instances where you’re tempted to make an unhealthy food choice; perhaps when in a social setting or at a restaurant. Determination to stick with healthy and nutritious food choices will keep you on track to success and positive change.
Healthy eating is more than half the battle when it comes to meeting your wellness/fitness goals. If you make the time and effort to give 100% in the gym, be sure to give your body the same respect when you’re outside the gym. You are what you eat, so make smart choices that benefit your body and keep you BEING YOUR BEST!!!!
Michelle can be contacted at: [email protected]