Wow! If I had an easy formula to give you keep you on track to meet your health and fitness goals, or any goal in life for that matter, I would shout it from the rooftops. Unfortunately, we are all different and the things that motivate us the most are different for each and every one of us. Want the good news? You can find what motivates you and build to that strength instead of focusing your efforts in the wrong directions.
Start with these simple steps:
- Write down your goals. Try to choose 4-5 at most to focus on at one time. This is always easier said than done, but start thinking about your goals, whatever they may be and then carve out 15-20 minutes in your day to write them down. Share them online or with a friend after you do this – seeing your goals in print and having the knowledge that someone else knows about them creates some major accountability.
- Over the course of a day or two, break each goal down into smaller goals or tasks that need to be accomplished on your path to successfully completing your ultimate goal.
- Determine some type of reward system that fits your budget (this is a big one!) for accomplishing said-goals or even the tasks it takes to get to the bigger goals. Think tickets to a movie you have been wanting to see, a manicure and a pedicure, new clothes, a massage or a trip with your husband or girlfriends.
Knowing what lies ahead in your pursuit of reaching your ultimate goal is the most important thing to keeping you motivated. We are often unmotivated when some sort of life event or maybe even the smallest minor detail goes awry. Really focus on charting the path to reach your goal in Step 2 and you will find that the motivation comes naturally!
Original Content (July 2014) for the Blog, provided by Tiffany Staples at