You may have heard people say that running on the treadmill is different than running outside, but you might not know why! Well, here’s the skinny on the different training types.
Many of us go to the gym and hop on a treadmill and immediately start running – we set the speed and we go. Did you know there is a slight decline to treadmills set at 0? You thought it was flat right? Well, it’s not! To get it level, you want to be at 0.5 incline at all times. The course you may be running might be hilly, so consider changing the interval at several times throughout your workout to simulate hilly terrain.
Another drawback to treadmill training is that it doesn’t account for weather conditions. Your breathing may be different in an indoor, air conditioned space vs. outside where the air may be humid or dry. This can change your breathing patterns dramatically and affect your distance and speed.
My best suggestions? Vary your workouts to include the treadmill and outdoor training. It’s definitely convenient to hop on a treadmill at the gym when you are already there (especially if they offer childcare and you need that amenity to complete your run) or go to your home gym, run and be done without leaving your house. Don’t discount your treadmill runs – those are great! Get outside whenever possible though and train as you will come race day.
What’s your plan for your workouts? Will you do more treadmill training or run outside as much as possible?