When a person gets interested in the health and fitness world, it usually starts with a reason why. To lose weight? To eat healthier? To gain muscle? To keep up with their kids? To fit into an old pair of jeans? To fight depression? To achieve a goal? To feel better? To look better? To be better?
For me personally, I had more than just one reason why.
My journey started when I woke up one day, looked in the mirror, and realized I didn’t recognize the person looking back at me anymore. I was a stranger in my own life. I looked and felt heavy, in mind and body.
I was standing stuck in a rut that a very fast journey had placed me in. I got married, bought a house, graduated from college, and had three children all in just three and a half years. It was fast. It was the best thing that had ever happened to me. But, it destroyed my body, my mind, and the only person I ever knew myself to be.
It was in that moment, when I saw that stranger staring back at me, that I knew I needed to change if I ever wanted to be healthy, happy me again. So, I decided to do just that.
That very night, I sat down at my computer and started researching realistic, healthy, free ways to lose weight and get fit. I was a stay-at-home mom living in a one income household with a family of five, and truly had no extra money to spend on a gym membership, nutritionist, or weight-loss program. I knew my progress would depend wholeheartedly on my efforts. So, every night for the next few weeks, after I put my kids to bed, I’d sit down and spend my time learning. I educated myself enough about the health and fitness fields that I then felt ready to put my knowledge to work. And to my surprise, it did just that. It worked.
So here I am today, sixty pounds lighter than I was that day I saw the reflection of a stranger in my mirror. I lost the weight because I figured out my reason why I needed to. It was the three little kids who call me Mom. I chose to have kids, so it was my responsibility to be there for them, physically and mentally. Living my life overweight and depressed was only a reminder that I was not only failing myself, but also my kids.
So, my kids became my reason why.
Along my journey, I’ve realized I have many other reasons too. My husband. My confidence. My health. My happiness. My strength. To prove to myself that I can accomplish any goal I set for myself. I did it to save me. To save my life.
So, if you’re just starting your fitness journey, if you’re years into it, or if you’re a fitness professional, ask yourself what the reason was that made you begin? What was your reason why? Figure out why you want to live a healthy fit life, and you will succeed in living one. Every time you want to quit, remember why you began. Every hard day you have, remember how far you’ve come. And before you know it, every time you tell your story, your reason why will not only continue to be your motivation, but will also inspire others to find their own reason why.
So don’t waste another moment, figure out your reason why, and begin your journey.