(For Those That Don’t Consider Themselves Runners)
I used to say it, “I’m not a runner!” It was my excuse to get me out of running races with my friends or even my way of talking myself out of doing cardio for the day. It was an excuse to run short distances and to be slow. If you are tired of using that phrase as an excuse and ready to make a change, here are five simple tips that will change your mindset!
1. Make Running a Priority. This may be easier said than done, but making running a priority in your life will really change your mindset about it. Don’t allow yourself to slack off or to accept other responsibilities in the time you set aside to run. Consider it a job you WANT to do and revel in your accomplishment as you complete your run each time you train.
2. Find a Running Group. Whether it’s your best friend, a group at a local running store or a group of people that you found online and don’t even know, sticking with any fitness plan is always better when you have support.
3. Sign Up for a Fun Race. Most likely, you already did this! Hopefully you have signed up for the Lozilu! Signing up for a race – especially one the is FUN – will give you something to look forward to and work toward and make running less of a chore and more of a means to an end.
4. Track Your Progress. Seeing yourself succeed on paper is SO much better than guessing how well you are progressing. Write it down on paper, share it on social media or even start a blog! The possibilities are endless!
5. Get New Shoes. This sounds funny, but shoes really can make the girl! Not only will you be excited to wear your new kicks, but shoes play a big part in your running performance. Who doesn’t want to run better! Treat yourself and get fitted at a running store for shoes that are perfect for your foot, your stride and the distance you run – it will make a big difference!
How have you learned to love running?